
At Manchester the wealth of knowledge we produce through our research and teaching shapes societies and boosts development on a global scale. In this way we inform public policy in the UK and across the world.

As part of our commitment to social responsibility and addressing the major challenges faced by humanity in the 21st century, we have a growing network that engages policymakers, thinkers, researchers, the media and the public with our work.

University events, training and support on policy

Senior politicians and civil servants participate in our open programme of discussions and debates on topical issues, and can also engage online via our blogs and social media channels.

We also work closely with those involved in shaping public policy to help our researchers better understand how they can inform the policymaking process.

Manchester Policy Blogs

With we're opening up communications between ourselves, policy audiences and the wider public about the policy implications of our work as a world-leading University.

Watch this short film to find out more.